Risks Involved with Investing


Investor Relations
-Terna Energy

Risks involved in investing in financial instruments

The contents of the investment relations section of TERNA ENERGY corporate website, aim to provide general information about the activity, the financial standing and results as well as the general prospects of TERNA ENERGY and its Group.

The figures presented here arise from the Company’s financial statements, but also from estimates and assumptions about expected developments and other factors that affect the Group. These estimates are not historical events or guarantees for the future performance of the Company. These forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties, as there are factors that may lead to a significant deviation between the Group’s future results and these estimates. More information on the potential risks and uncertainties affecting the Group is offered by the announcements made by TERNA ENERGY in the Athens Exchange.

It is therefore recommended that the reader, prior to making any investment option or other transaction with the Company, to take into account that investments in financial instruments are not guaranteed and involve the risk of loss of property and to refer to the published financial statements as well as the review report of the legal auditor, where required.